Breaking News

Gulmi Saraya 2073

गोप्य भिडियो हेर्नुको लागि तलको कालो बक्स भित्र क्लिक गरि हेर्नुहोस

No under eight people were hurt when a gas barrel used as a piece of rounding inflatables exploded suddenly today on the premises of Shiva Temple at Simariya of Sunsari. The scene happened as aficionados aggregated in the haven to recognize the Shivaratri, the birthday of the Hindu god Shiva. Of the hurt, three are in essential condition, police said. Amazingly hurt are Somraj Majhi, 30, of Katari, Morang and Tara Mandal, 32, of Gachhiya Morang while the character of the third one, a male, is yet to be educated. Most of the hurt are admitted to the Biratnagar-based Nobel Medical College, the District Police Office Sunsari said. A gas barrel used as a piece of filling inflatables went off unexpectedly in the midst of the Shivaratri merriments in the asylum. Police have caught Bhagwan Saha and Radheshyam Saha of Bhaluwa Municipality - 6 required in offering gas-filled inflatables, as showed by DPO Sunsari's Superintendent of Police Poshraj Pokhrel. Disclaimer: Please take note of, this is an online news entry, All of these pictures/recordings found here from outsider video/picture facilitating destinations, for example, YouTube.Com, Blip.Tv, DailyMotion.Com, Vimeo.Com etc. We don't have any recordings and some photographs. If you don't mind contact to fitting video/picture facilitating site for any substance expulsion.

गोप्य भिडियो हेर्नुको लागि तलको कालो बक्स भित्र क्लिक गरि हेर्नुहोस

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