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Former King of Nepal Gyanendra Shah

गोप्य भिडियो हेर्नुको लागि तलको कालो बक्स भित्र क्लिक गरि हेर्नुहोस

Previous King Gyanendra Shah and Queen Komal Shah achieved Meghauli of Chitwan on Friday, apparently to commend the 66th birthday of the Queen.The previous imperial couple would remain at the neighborhood Barahi Hotel tonight.Meanwhile, individuals from general society accumulated in Chaubiskothi of Bharatpur to welcome the King and the Queen to their district.Former King Gyanendra himself had driven the auto escorted by security staff. Disclaimer: Please take note of, this is an online news entry, All of these pictures/recordings found here from outsider video/picture facilitating destinations, for example, YouTube.Com, Blip.Tv, DailyMotion.Com, Vimeo.Com etc. We don't have any recordings and some photographs. If you don't mind contact to fitting video/picture facilitating site for any substance expulsion.

गोप्य भिडियो हेर्नुको लागि तलको कालो बक्स भित्र क्लिक गरि हेर्नुहोस

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